Sunday 31 March 2013

Hello Blog!

Hello Blogosphere, ain't it been a while?

I can't believe just how fast time flys. Back two years ago I started this blog the Summer before I went to sixth form. I was just starting my A levels. I was awkward. I was terrified of what the future held. I had braces (yes guys, braces ARE that tramatic). I had dreams of one day going to a good university to study the thing that I can't live without, English. And now I'm here. Braces free (finally!) having the best year of my life, with new friends and new interests at University.
 I'd completely forgotten that I'd even made this blog until today! It's so surreal (and cringey haha) reading things 17 year old me wrote...the odd thing is actually I'm really not that different to how I was then, I still want to write about life through my eyes, hopefully at least one person will enjoy it. Except now I can blog about much more (hopefully!) interesting things. Yep, I've decided to give this blogging lark another go. So what can you expect from Elsewhere Avenue? Well for the most part fashiony stuff and ton of random ramble about what I've been up to and uni life...oh and an indecent number of pictures of food. Because, hey,who doesn't like food? Stick around for more!
If you want to know more about me, shimy on down to my 'About Me' section. Hope you're all having the loveliest of days!

Phia x

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